The data sets comprise EinsMan (renewable feed-in management) data of the distribution system operators EDIS, Schleswig Holstein Netze, Bayernwerke and Avacon. These distribution system operators account for numerous feed-in management measures in the German power grid (for wind or solar generation). Due to the rise of the renewable energy share in the German electricity generation mix there is an increase in congestion in the German transmission and distribution grids. There are in general several measures in place to handle congestion. Often feed-in management (only renewable sources) is used, which raises several research questions. The data set provides a basis for their investigation. This data is part of a larger data set on congestion in the German electricity grids from 2015 to 2018. The related datasets are referenced below. The publication of this data set was supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG) as part of the Research Training Group GRK 2153: Energy Status Data - Informatics Methods for its Collection, Analysis and Exploitation.
The data is uploaded in separate zip-Files for each grid operator. The zip files contain daily .csv files which use the separator ",". Each file has the following columns: ID, Einsatz-ID, Start, Ende, Dauer(min), Gebiet, Ort Engpass, Stufe(%), Ursache, Anlagenschluessel, Anforderer, Netzbetreiber, Anlagen-ID and Entschädigungspflicht. Please be aware while using to change the encoding to "utf-8" or "ISO-8859-1" to not run into encoding issues while reading in the data. For all non-German speakers the column names are translated below:
Name | Storage | Metadata | Upload | Action |