These are the postprocessed ICON simulation outputs for following the article:
Barrett, A. I., & Hoose, C. (2023). Microphysical Pathways Active within Thunderstorms and Their Sensitivity to CCN Concentration and Wind Shear. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 128, e2022JD036965.
All files are (compressed) netcdf files.
"default" contains output obtained with the standard model configuration, "Ecoll0p5" with E_coll=0.5 and "Ecoll1p0" with E_coll=1.0.
ccn6 is the lowest CCN concentration, ccn9 the highest. ws18 means wind shear of 18 m/s, and analogously for other wind shears.
The time-invariant vertical grid is supplied as well.