Small adjustments in atomic configurations can significantly impact magnetic properties of matters. Strain, for instance, can alter magnetic anisotropy and enable fine-tuning of magnetism. However, the effects of these changes on nanoscale magnetism remain largely unexplored. In particular, when strain fluctuates at the nanoscale, directly linking structural changes with magnetic behavior poses a substantial challenge. Here, we develop a approach, LA-Ltz-4D-STEM, to simultaneously map structural information and magnetic fields at the nanoscale. This approach opens avenues for in-depth studying the structure-property correlation of magnetic materials on the nanoscale. We applied LA-Ltz-4D-STEM to simultaneously image strain, atomic packing, and magnetic fields in a deformed amorphous ferromagnet with complex strain variations at the nanoscale. An anomalous magnetic configuration near shear bands, which reside in a magnetostatically high-energy state, was observed. By performing pixel-to-pixel correlation of the different physical quantities across a large field of view, a critical aspect for investigating industrial ferromagnetic materials, the magnetic moments were classified into two distinct groups: one influenced by magnetoelastic coupling and the other oriented by competition with magnetostatic energy.