1. Spatial coverage
Measurements were collected during the CROSSINN field campaign in the Inn Valley, Austria. The focus of the campaign was located at a mild valley curvature approximately 20 km northeast of Innsbruck. To optimize deployment requirements (power, permits, etc.) as well as to reduce demand for additional KITcube flux towers, all instruments were deployed as close as possible to three pre-existing i-Box flux towers (CS-VF0, CS-SF1, CS-NF27).
2. Temporal coverage
01.08.2019 - 13.10.2019
3. Instrument details and data file structure
Available here are archived directories, corresponding to a particular device (WLS200s-115, WLS200s-124, WLS200s-125), including the coplanar-retrieved (i.e. dual-Doppler) output and additional four text files. daily .zip files contain raw measurements collected with three WLS200s Windcube Doppler lidars, IDs xyz=115, 124, 125 (Leosphere). All three Windcubes used Windforge v3.1.1 for data acquisition. The raw measurements are organized into daily .zip files, each containing folder 'wind_and_aerosol_data' with separate .nc.gz files for each 1-min direct and indirect RHI scans in hourly folders, along with other support data in folders 'environmental data', 'scan type', 'resolutions', and 'settings'. daily .zip files contain the coplanar-retrieved wind field organized into hourly NetCDF files. The retrieval algorithm by Haid (2019) was used to obtain the wind field. file contains text files of the type 'WLS200s-xyz_scans_with_faulty_acquisition.txt'. These files contain time stamps (in UTC) of RHI scans affected by an occasionally faulty acquisition, resulting in two adjacent time stamps having recorded a same elevation angle. This typically affected pcolor/contour plotting routines. The issue was most common with WLS200s-125. On the other hand, the text file 'ceilometer_precipitation_flag.txt' contains the time stamps (in UTC) marked as experiencing either precipitation or sufficiently deep cloud cover. Specifically, if a given 1-min vertical profile of uncalibrated CHM15k backscatter up to 4 km above ground level, was characterized by more than 20% of backscatter coefficients exceeding 55 dB, it was deemed as ”precipitating”. Valid only for Kolsass.
4. Locations
With the exception of the WLS200s-115 (@ Hochhaeuser) and WLS200s-125 (@ Mairbach) Windcube Doppler lidars, all other KITcube instruments were deployed at Kolsass, the headquarter site for the field campaign. All sondes were also launched and tracked from Kolsass.
Kolsass - 47.305290°N / 11.622231°E
Hochhaeuser - 47.286182°N / 11.631232°E
Mairbach - 47.326664°N / 11.608736°E
5. Contact
Contact for any questions regarding the data sets.
6. References
Haid, M., 2019: marenha/doppler_wind_lidar_toolbox: First release (v1.0.0). Zenodo, doi:10.5281/zenodo.3583083