The data is uploaded in separate zip-Files for each grid operator. The zip files contain daily .csv files which use the separator ",". Each file has the following columns: ID, Einsatz-ID, Start, Ende, Dauer(min), Gebiet, Ort Engpass, Stufe(%), Ursache, Anlagenschluessel, Anforderer, Netzbetreiber, Anlagen-ID and Entschädigungspflicht.
Please be aware while using to change the encoding to "utf-8" or "ISO-8859-1" to not run into encoding issues while reading in the data.
For all non-German speakers the column names are translated below:
- Einsatz-ID : Action-ID
- Start : start
- Ende : end
- Dauer (min) : duration (min)
- Gebiet : area
- Ort Engpass : location of congestion
- Stufe(%) : Level(%)
- Ursache : Reason
- Anlagenschluessel : Installation key (specific description regarding german regulations)
- Anforderer : requester
- Netzbetreiber : grid operator
- Anlagen-ID : installation ID
- Entschädigungspflicht : liability for compensation