This dataset contains the relevant raw data of the revised submission "Overcoming barriers for high temperature alloys:
oxidation and ductility". All files highlighted by "MC-AC" denote data on as-cast Cr-37.2Mo and "MSC-AC" on as-cast Cr-36.1Mo-3Si (alloy compositions given in at.%). "MSC-H" is Cr-36.1Mo-3Si in the homogenized condition after 1600°C for 48 h.
Fig1 = Scanning electron grayscale micrographs using backscattered electron contrast as *.tif images
Fig2a = area-specific mass changes (average and uncertainty in mg/cm²) as a function of oxidation time (in h); "800C" denotes 800°C and "1100C" denotes 1100°C; the dataset highlighted by "single-specimen" is not averaged but determined on a single specimen
Fig2b = engineering stress-strain curves (in MPa and 1, respectively) for room temperature (= "RT") and 900°C (= "900C")
Fig2c = 1% offset yield strength (in MPa) as a function of testing temperature (in °C)
Fig2d = true work hardening (in MPa) as a function of true stress (in MPa) for room temperature (= "RT") and 900°C (= "900C")
Fig3 = Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy maps as fully annotated comma-separated matrix file; the characteristic lines a highlights in the file name "CrK" = Cr-K, "MoL" = Mo-L, "SiK" = Si-K, "OK" = O-K
Fig4 = Atome probe tomography datasets according to Cameca file standards
Fig6 = Electron backscatter diffraction maps as fully annotated *.ang file
FigS1 = X-ray diffraction patterns of the as cast condition as background-subtracted intensity (in 1) as a function of 2Theta diffraction angle (in °)
FigS2 = X-ray diffraction patterns of the oxidized material (100 h at 800°C = "800C" and 1100°C = "1100C") as background-subtracted intensity (in 1) as a function of 2Theta diffraction angle (in °)
FigS3 = Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy maps as fully annotated comma-separated matrix file; the characteristic lines a highlights in the file name "CrK" = Cr-K, "MoL" = Mo-L, "OK" = O-K
FigS4 = time-dependent (in h) scale thicknesses determined form scanning electron micrographs of oxide scales (in µm); "internal_corrosion_zone" denotes the thickness of the internally oxdized regions; "800C" denotes 800°C and "1100C" denotes 1100°C
FigS5 = Electron backscatter diffraction maps as fully annotated *.ang file