%%%%% How to interpret the simulation results %%%%%:
%%% Main folder naming %%%:
"village-future": The simulation scenario (grid and building configuration)
"hhOpt": Buildings (households) can optimize their internal energy flows
"ONT/RONT": Normal distribution transformer/voltage regulated distribution transformer (VRDT)
"QEMS": Quarter energy management system, means that at least one grid control strategy is used
"P/Q/PQ/noPQ/noControl": P=active power targets can be used, Q=reactive power control can be used,
noPQ=only VRDT can be used, noControl=no grid control at all
"full/local-only": Centralized/decentralized grid control strategy
"GSUI-60": Grid simulation update interval=60 seconds
"d_1970_6_30_0": Start of simulated time is 30 June 1970 00:00 AM
%%% Subfolder naming %%%:
"s_13749851": Random seed configuration
"run_2021-05-25-16-38-29": Starting time of simulation run
%%% Subsubfolder naming %%%:
"nodeX": Folder for a particular building, numbered according to the grid node, where each building is connected
%%% Log files for the entire grid %%%:
In general: currentTick is given in Unix time
activePowerLog: Active power progressions at all grid nodes in Watt
reactivePowerLog: Reactive power progressions at all grid nodes in Var
buildingsAggregatedLog: Various power progressions aggregated for all buildings in the grid in Watt
currentLog: Current progressions for all lines in the grid in Ampere
gridSimulationAggregated: Various grid characteristics aggregated over the entire simulation run,
voltages and line utilizations are normalized to nominal values
mediumVoltageAggregated: Aggregated characteristics of the voltage at the primary side of the transformer in pu
mediumVoltageLog: Progression of the voltage at the primary side of the transformer in pu
transformerAggregatedLog: Aggregated characteristics of the transformer, temperatures are given in °C, remaining values have to unit
transformerStepLog:Progression of VRDT steps, remains 0 if no VRDT is used, no unit
transformerTemperatureLog: Progression of various transformer characteristics, temperatures are given in °C,
remaining values have to unit
voltageLog: Progressions of voltages at all nodes in the grid in pu
%%% Log files for specific buildings %%%:
TOTAL=number of planned appliance runs, AVGTOTAL=number of expected appliance runs based on probality distributions,
REALTOTAL=number of realized appliance runs, TOTAL0/TOTAL1=number of realized appliance runs for different running profiles
Progressions of battery energy storage system active charge/discharge power in Watt,
reactive charge/discharge power in Var and state of charge in Watt*second,
positive values denote charging, negative values discharging
electricVehicleLog: Progressions of electric vehicle active charge power in Watt, reactive charge power in Var
powerLog: Progressions of various building powers in Watt, prices and costs in Euro-cent
simResultsAggregated: Various aggregated energy amounts in kWh and costs in Euro-cent