Validation Framework for RDF-based Constraint Languages - PhD Thesis Research Data
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Research data, research results, and publications of the PhD thesis entitled 'Validation Framework for RDF-based Constraint Languages', submitted to the Department of Economics and Management at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT).
Research data, research results, and publications of the PhD thesis entitled 'Validation Framework for RDF-based Constraint Languages', submitted to the Department of Economics and Management at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT).
(Technical Remarks)
# PhD Thesis---* Title: **[Validation Framework for RDF-based Constraint Languages](*** Author: **[Thomas Hartmann](*** Examination Date: 08.07.2016* University: [Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)](
# PhD Thesis---* Title: **[Validation Framework for RDF-based Constraint Languages](*** Author: **[Thomas Hartmann](*** Examination Date: 08.07.2016* University: [Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)](* Chair: [Institute of Applied Informatics and Formal Description Methods](* Department: [Department of Economics and Management](* 1. Advisor: [Prof. Dr. York Sure-Vetter](, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology* 2. Advisor: [Prof. Dr. Kai Eckert](, Stuttgart Media University---***PhD Thesis Download**** [](***Publications**** Complete set of publications: [publications](***Research Data, Research Results, and Publications**** Link to the KIT research data repository: [](***RDF Validation Requirements Database**** [](***Validation Environment**** Demo: [](* Source code: [software/rdf-validator](***Chapter 2: Foundations for RDF Validation**** XML validation: [chapter/chapter-2/xml-validation](***Chapter 3: Vocabularies for Representing Research Data and Related Metadata**** RDF vocabularies commonly used to represent different types of research data and related metadata: [chapter/chapter-3/common-vocabularies](* Complete running example in RDF: [chapter/chapter-3/common-vocabularies/running-example](***Chapter 4: RDFication of XML Enabling to use RDF Validation Technologies**** Evaluation results: [chapter/chapter-4/evaluation]( ***Chapter 6: Consistent Validation across RDF-based Constraint Languages**** Constraint languages implementations: [chapter/chapter-6/constraint-languages-implementations](***Chapter 7: Validation Framework for RDF-based Constraint Languages**** Formal specification, HTML documentation, and UML class diagram of the RDF Constraints Vocabulary (RDF-CV): [chapter/chapter-7/rdf-constraints-vocabulary](* Generic SPIN mappings for constraint types: [chapter/chapter-7/generic-SPIN-mappings/RDF-CV-2-SPIN.ttl](***Chapter 8: The Role of Reasoning for RDF Validation**** Implementations for all constraint types expressible by OWL 2 QL, OWL 2 DL, and DSP as well as for major constraint types representable by ReSh and ShEx: [chapter/chapter-8/constraint-types-implementations](* Implementation of reasoning capabilities for all reasoning constraint types for which OWL 2 QL and OWL 2 DL reasoning may be performed: [chapter\chapter-8\reasoning-constraint-types-implementations/OWL2-Reasoning-2-SPIN.ttl](* Validation and reasoning implementations of constraint types: [chapter/chapter-8/constraint-types-implementations](***Chapter 9: Evaluating the Usability of Constraint Types for Assessing RDF Data Quality**** Implementations of all 115 constraints: [chapter/chapter-9/constraints](* Evaluation results for each QB data set grouped by SPARQL endpoint: [chapter/chapter-9/evaluation/data-sets/QB](* Vocabulary implementations: [chapter/chapter-9/vocabularies/implementations](***Appendix**** Link to appendix: [](
Hartmann, Thomas
(2023): Validation Framework for RDF-based Constraint Languages - PhD Thesis Research Data.
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.
DOI: 10.35097/1608
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