Regression coefficients of parametrisation of natural atmospheric variability as function of distance and time separation for the atmospheric trace gases: BrO, BrONO$_2$, CH$_3$CL, HNO$_3$, N$2$O$5$, CCl$4$, CFC${11}$, CFC${113}$, CFC${12}$, CH$_4$, ClO, ClONO$_2$, CO, CO$_2$, H$_2$O, HBr, HCl, HF, HNO$_4$, HO$_2$, HOBr, HOCl,, N$_2$O, NO, NO$_2$, NO$_3$, O$_3$, OH, and temperature, calculated on BASCOE model data for ESA VACUUM'R Project.