The fog and low stratus formation and dissipation data set consists of yearly netcdf files. The data set covers central Europe, over the years 2006-2015. The projection is WGS 84.
The following data variables are contained in the data set:
- diss_time: Dissipation time as timestamp
- diss_time_percent: Dissipation time in %, either from sunrise to sunset (daytime) or sunset to sunrise (nighttime)
- coef_diss: Coefficient of logistic regression curve used to calculate the dissipation time. It is advised to only use the dissipation times with a coefficient smaller than -0.1.
- flag_day_night_diss: For each calculated dissipation time, this flag describes if dissipation occured between sunrise and sunset (day, flag=1) or between sunset and sunrise (night, flag = 0).
- form_time: Formation time as timestamp
- form_time_percent: Formation time in %, either from sunrise to sunset (daytime) or sunset to sunrise (nighttime)
- coef_form: Coefficient of logistic regression curve used to calculate the formation time. It is advised to only use the formation times with a coefficient greater than 0.1.
- flag_day_night_form: For each caclulated formation time, this flag describes if formation occured between sunrise and sunset (day, flag=1) or between sunset and sunrise (night, flag = 0).